Bryant RedHawk wrote:To brew a grain alcohol:
(5 gal. buckets work nicely for the fermenting stage)
Make the malt;
take 1 kilo of wheat and soak in warm water for 24 hours, drain off the water and repeat the previous process. (we are making this into the malt)
watch the wheat for sprouts, once they have sprouted to 1/5 cm. heat the kernels to dry them out slowly, this can be done in an oven set to 90C, move the kernels around gently to make sure they are all dry, crush or grind the dried malted wheat and store in a jar while we make the mash.
Make the mash;
In a large kettle or pot fill with 5 kilo's of wheat and cover with water.
Cook the wheat over fire (stir so they don't stick and burn) until the grains start to gelatinize then cook some more while watching to make sure all the grains have gelatinized.
Turn off fire and let the grain cool to 40C then stir in 1/2 kilo of sugar (this doesn't have to be done but will give more sugars for the yeast to feed on at the start), stir to dissolve the sugar into the mash.
Add water to the mash to thin it slightly leaving at least 3 cm of space above the mash, pour in the malt and stir then let sit for at least two hours, next add 20 grams of yeast (or more if you want to speed up the fermenting but not more than 60 grams total of yeast).
stir in the yeast and place a cloth cover over the bucket or pot of mash (this keeps unwanted things out of the brew), check in a day or two for yeast activity (it should be bubbling), let the mash work for a minimum of 5 days.
at the 5th day check to see if the mash is still working (bubbling) it should also smell of alcohol, once the mash no longer bubbles you are ready to use it as is or you can strain off the wort (the liquid) from the grain mash and use it.
you can jar and store OHN once it is completed.
Seth Graves wrote:You can make rice wine very easily to use for stabilization. You can also make vinegar just as easy.