Mauro Gestoso

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since Jun 17, 2019
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Argentinean living in rural Castellón, Spain.

Into: homesteading, books, jazz, coffee, cycling and a million other things.
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Castellón, Spain
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Recent posts by Mauro Gestoso

r ranson wrote:It is for the betterment of all mankind that I continue to drink coffee.  

Although I am trying to grow my own, it's taking a while.  

Same here, I can't quit my expensive specialty coffee grown thousands of kilometers away from me
9 months ago
I'm in a similar situation (also in Spain). We have a ruined house that we eventually want to demolish and rebuild, and we have a lot of rubble from redoing our roof (mostly mud, cane and crumbled roof tiles). We are thinking of using the rubble to build "stairs" to go up and down terraces.

Also, recently we thought of converting one of our crumbling water deposits into a natural swimming pool, and we could use a lot of material to fill in.

Another option is to use it to fix access roads, we have a local guy with an excavator and he does wonders with a pile of rocks

In my experience in Spain, especially with old, rural houses (I don't know if it's your case, but it's definitely mine) it's common to find broken pieces of asbestos/uralita, so keep an eye out for that.
9 months ago
My preferred method is the Hario V60 (a conical holder for paper filters) which is beautifully low tech for me and makes my favourite cup of coffee. Lately I've been getting annoyed with having to buy packs of paper filters so I've been trying different solutions. The metal V60 didn't work well for me, it always gets clogged up and ruins the brew process. I'm really interested in trying the Cerapotta, which is just porous ceramic (

I also use an AeroPress with a metal filter instead of paper. That works well but the brew is not as nice.
9 months ago