Jessica Brazeau

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since Jun 20, 2019
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Recent posts by Jessica Brazeau

I guess I should update this — I have gotten to meet a few people because of this thread and it’s been an overall good experience. Without admitting failure or anything, I will just say that I am not currently seeking people.
1 month ago
I haven’t given an update in a while; I use the internet at the library when I get a chance.

We now have a driven well, thanks to our friend Mick who is also providing materials and expertise for the bath house which will be built around it.

Anyone interested should send a moosage with some info about yourself, beliefs and what has drawn you to seek community, for example. This is very much in the beginning stages, so not for those looking for something to join. We have humble accommodations for visitors; more visitors are possible with tents. Moving in would mean placing a tiny house of some sort (one person could possibly move into the little cabin with us, but it would be a bit cramped.) What modern conveniences are you attached to? We try to live with as little money as possible.

I will respond, though it may take a week or so.

Mosquitoes — we have them! I wear long pants, long sleeves, a wide-brimmed hat with a head net and they don’t bother me (oil-based botanical repellent on hands.)

It’s been a while since I started this thread, and I am still seeking partners. My daughter, age 15, and I found a location in northern lower Michigan. The idea was to have a small group first, and together find land, but it didn’t work that way.
We’re in zone 5a; we intend to plant chestnuts, hopniss, sunchokes, grapes and a few others and hope to accommodate chickens this spring, and there are abundant wild foods as well: chokecherries, butternuts, sugar maple, acorns, blackberries, cattail, deer, fish, aronia, beech nuts...
We aim to live as simply as possible, using hand power rather than motors. What, no chainsaw?
2 years ago
Thanks, Mike. I'm in Northern Lower Michigan, Arenac County, by the Saginaw Bay. I don't want to go much further south probably. Other than that, I'm flexible.
5 years ago
Hi, I'm looking to form a group based on equality, respect for nature, and a focus on future generations. I think it's best to get together and conspire first, and then buy the land.
5 years ago