Nicole Blum

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since Jun 25, 2019
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Recent posts by Nicole Blum

Thank you so much for sharing that. Your routine is in line with how I imagine the whole thing going but wanted to hear that it worked for others.
5 years ago
We are getting ready to milk 3 - by hand, of course. But the herd is growing and there will be sheep to milk in the coming year too. We have always milked in the shed next to a permanent pasture until now.
5 years ago
We have recently put a small milking herd of Nigerian dwarf goats to rotationally graze our 38 acre orchard land. We will be milking them in about a month and are trying to get a handle on the best way to design the milking station. I am very interested in what folks do out there and would love to hear all about it. I think I would prefer to train the goats to come with me to the parlor from wherever they are on the land, but a couple are skittish and I wonder if I would succeed taking them for a walk every milking time. Tell me what you do!
5 years ago