Michael Welber

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since Jul 25, 2019
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Recent posts by Michael Welber

That's it for sure. Wonderful publication. The "new" version doesn't come close
5 years ago
This is the publication that was printed on newsprint and a small format. Would love to have entire years. I'll pay shipping too.

Michael (in Bloomington, IN)
5 years ago
My first solar array had 8 very large and very, very heavy batteries much like the ones shown here. They worked but didn't feed power back into my house. My new array (10KW) has the new generation of lithium-ion batters (LG). Much, much lighter and they retain 30% of their power in case of power outages. They also feed power back into my house at night or when the sun isn't out, thereby vastly reducing my consumption. Anyone thinking of installing solar should definitely use this new generation of battery backup if they can afford it. Not that much more expensive and a tremendous improvement on efficiency.

I tried to attach a photo but it didn't work.

5 years ago

Were you influenced by Scott and Helen Nearing's book The Good Life? I'm planning to write a book that is tentatively titled Helen Nearing's Daughters. It will profile women homesteaders, gardeners and farmers who were inspired by Helen Nearing's accomplishments in Vermont and Maine. If this sounds like you I'd like to interview you for this book. Please write me at dogwoodmike@gmail.com and I'll get in touch.
5 years ago
I recently attended a compost tea seminar and the session leader said that an aquarium aerator was not strong enough to produce decent compost tea. Is that anyone else's experience?
5 years ago