I have read everything I can find and watched all YouTube has to offer on the Jujube tree. I have read that it is quite cold hardy, and that it also likes hot summers when the fruit is ripening. I live near Oliver B.C. in the Okanagan however I'm probably a couple hundred feet above the town where we see slightly earlier frosts and a bit shorter daylight hours given the mountain behind our property.
Our area is ideal for grapes, and our specific little nook is supposed to be good for ice wine. My concern is that we may get cold too early in the fall for the fruit to ripen. Though from what I've read the fruit can ripen quite early in hot climates, so I'm thinking we may get away with growing them in our locale. I would absolutely love to hear about other people's experiences growing this beautiful tree in a similar climate to mine. I would say our max temp in summer is a bit under 40 degrees Celsius as an absolute extreme, more commonly in the low to high 30s in peak summer and down to -20 celsius or possibly colder as an extreme low in winter with average winter temps being more in the -5 to -15 celsius range.
On the property we have cherries, grapes, apples, pears and prune plums which grow and ripen quite nicely, however the cherry blossoms are killed off by late frosts some years.
Any information greatly appreciated!