Duval Charlie

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since Aug 17, 2019
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Hey ! as i got interested many ways of using solar thermal energy, i discovered the evacued tube ones, and i foud a solar entusiast that made himself from basig items (bottle, epoxy, vacum machine) the name of the channel i'm sure some of you already knows is GREENPOWERSCIENCE.
As i haven't a vacuum machine yet and am not sure to want to use expoxy yet, i went to a big supermarket looking for 2 big jars fitting inside each others, with success, (it fits perfectly!) the more little ones being 1,3L
At first i used a tomato sauce ~700ml (painted black outside) to fit inside, (normal apple juice bottles are too long), but i wanted to have larger water heated at time.
So, as i didn't wanted to paint the 1,3L glass tube i sculpted 2 slates, one with a round shape to put inside, and one rectangular to fit vertically and perpendicular of the sun direction, it "tints" the water quite well with the help of the natural optic effect (i don't remember the name.)
I first projected to glue the big jar's mouses together, letting a valve to pull vacuum inside when i'll have acces to the machine, the i tought i could just try to produce some dryed co2  with the help of yeast...
Finally, for the moment, have'nt done all of that, but it works quite well !!
I forgot to say that these are put inside an open ~1 meter wide open inox reflector "made" from a recycled farm milk tanks having more or less the good shape for a reflector.

I love you liquid captor system, i'd like to do one myself soon ! It looks like one of the projects of Sergiy Yurko' channel  

About the circulation of liquid, why not to use thermosyphon like it can be done in ponds bottom's shaping ?
2 years ago
Hello people happy to can share about this very interesting topic with others!
Have you done more experiments, since?
I had a modest result by soaking a (i guess very) old haybale in river water and a bit of pee inside a rolling a trash container for some weeks. After a while the bale pushed out the concrete block out as bubles was forming into he bale! Stinking a lot ne moskio larvaes swimming inside..(^^) i had to firmly attach the lid for the haybale not to stay in air contact.
After draining one night i inoculated 2kg of fresh oyster spawn on millet (i guess..) for a 18kg dry weight haybale.
After 33 days in shade outside in no so ideal conditions (hot and windy..ants hiway feeding on the grainspawn/and/or mycelium) elevated on a rack under layers of cardboards and tarp i had one fruiting of 90g.
Tasty but not much for the dryw weight.

Then i soaked it in a tarp tied around it so i could roll the whole to its definitive place, upside down, in a garden bed futurs place, covered with hay to keep the package insulated from the sun/heat (i maybe should have removed the tarp before and slightly elevate the bale from the ground..)

Few times after, the bale started to heat..
I now cannot see anymore mycelium at the surface..


I'll tell if anything happens anymore

5 years ago