Abe Connally

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since Feb 20, 2010
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Recent posts by Abe Connally

I've tasted a lot of different varieties, and even within varieties and plants, there are huge differences. O. Robusta has the best flavor of the ones around me.

Like with anything else, it'll be a mix of genetics, soil, and local conditions
8 years ago

Shawn Jadrnicek wrote:Thanks for the tip on using boiling water to remove the glochids. That will save me a ton of time. The brewery said they would pay $1/pound but I don't have a lot of fruit yet so we'll have to see in a few years.

Wow, $1/lb is awesome! Last year, we collected over 50 lbs, just on the side of the highway in an hour or 2.

8 years ago

Shawn Jadrnicek wrote:A local brewery said they would buy all the fruit I can produce

That's an interesting resource. What do they pay?
8 years ago
The easiest way to deal with glochids and spines is to throw the fruit in boiling water for about 5 minutes.

I would love to obtain pads from a good fruiting variety; none of mine fruit very well.

Feed them phosphorus (chicken manure) in the spring, once you notice new growth happening. This can stimulate fruiting.

Also, look around in your local area for ones that fruit more than yours, and see if it is in a different soil type or conditions.
8 years ago

Tyler Ludens wrote:That must be the kind we have, because ours are very hardy.

Probably so, because they are native to Texas. Most states that have spineless PP have Opuntia ellisiana.

Opuntia ficus-indica is popular in Mexico, Florida, and some of the warmer states and areas. It's what is typically used in commercial plantations.
8 years ago
I just collected some Opuntia ellisiana pads for a cold hardy spineless prickly pear to grow here. I've been looking into a spineless variety for rabbit fodder. These should be good down to -10F or lower, which is colder than we ever get.

The most common form of spineless in my area is Opuntia ficus-indica, but it doesn't survive the few hard freezes we get, and dies back every year.

Here's some info on Opuntia ellisiana
8 years ago