Nicole Alderman wrote:We have some winners!
Congratulations to:
Kc Simmons
Flora Eerschay
Kena Landry
Inge Leonora-den Ouden
I'll be sending you each a PM ("Purple Moosage"). Please reply by Sunday to claim your prize!
Thank you so much to Vera Greutink for joining us this week. And, of course, if you didn't happen to win and want to give yourself a bit of a Christmas present, you can buy her book here!
Hari Jensen wrote:Hi, Vera.
I eagerly await your videos and look forward to reading your book. I have a tiny house on very small sloping urban lot with 17 fruit and nut trees, grape vines, a no dig veg garden, and 4 old lady hens in the back yard, with a 15 x 6 ft wildflower meadow in the front.
F Agricola wrote:'Vera Greutink wrote:
If the pot heats up on a sunny day, the tree thinks it’s spring and starts to produce sugar. But because the plant is not actively growing at that moment, the sugar is not used and turns into alcohol, which can kill the plant.'
I don’t know if that assumption is correct – it may be more likely the warmer soil promotes early budding when the surrounding air temperature is too cold, causing frost burn. The biggest fear is most metal containers are cheap galvanised ones, where the zinc and other chemicals adversely affect plants.
I find containers that retain heat – terracotta/metal give seedlings a very big head-start in late Winter early Spring, much like a cold frame.
Plastic pots are almost a necessary evil and far too convenient. I like them for cultivating from seed – better control, and to harden-up seedlings before planting out into the garden. But mostly, they are very polluting simply because of the number produced and their throw-away nature.
Toilet rolls and shaped newspaper tubes are excellent alternatives for quick turnover – assist with input of carbon into the soil as well.
In regards to water retention: unglazed terracotta/clay are good for arid loving plants. Even the glazed ones dry out too quickly in our Temperate and Subtropical climates, though they are good for indoor plants because it’s easy to gauge critical moisture levels.
Hollowed tree trunks and sandstone rocks are REALLY good for ferns and orchids – the wood and rock mimics their natural growing environments.
Bianca Humphrey wrote:I’ve grown all my plants in containers because of renting. I got cheap black plastic storage containers that have the rope handles. I found that they did well for my fruit trees but anything smaller they lost the soil too quickly - you would water them and it would run straight out. Since moving to our new house, the pots have cracked at the base. But mulching and adding chicken poop to the top has really done wonders for the water draining issue. So as long as the soil is good it shouldn’t really matter what you plant in. Containers are great for the hot weather because you can move them out of the sun. Which in Australia we are having a massive heat wave.
Gail Jardin wrote:Good Morning Vera. Any space eh? How about in a small trailer? Maybe a portable garden that can be moved in and out of a trailer when stationary vs traveling. Does the book cover nomadic gardening?
Justyn Mavis wrote:Hello Vera, You books looks very interesting. It right up my alley, and something that will be added to my library here at my Farm Lab. We run a non profit in Southern WV, where we teach folks farming, gardening, and other homesteading skills. I get request to teach more about gardening in small spaces. Again, thanks for joining the forum, and welcome, loads of great people here. I do have a question. What is your favorite chapter or part of the books?
Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:Hi Vera! I am subscribed to your videos. They are always interesting and nice to watch. I live a little more to the north of the Netherlands, but it's the same climate (and probably the same soil).
Elizabeth Kelly wrote:I'm hoping I can apply your suggestions to my residential garden in the southwest US where we don't receive much precip. Congrats on your book!