Michael Goblish

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since Oct 31, 2019
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Check out Robert Purvis, he has a wide variety and extremely knowledgable.  He is from Purvis Nursery and Orchard. He is a major expert on Apricots as well.
5 years ago
I am looking to order 40-50 rootstocks for myself and I have priced out various rootstock suppliers and thought I would check if any other members might be interested in going in on an order through copenhagen.
I am mostly interested in EMLA 111, Bud 9, and G.890 for apple rootstock and OHxF 87 for pear rootstock.  I would likely want 20-30 of each type of rootstock (was considering getting larger diameter pear rootstock so bundle size is only 25 as I don't really need 20-30 pear trees as I plan to graft 12-14 pears this coming spring)
I am also interested in Bud 118 as an alternative to EMLA 111 as I plan to interstem the bud 9 and EMLA 111 and Bud 118 is a good substitute.
May be interested in other rootstocks but really plan to use G.890 no matter what.
Here is a link to apple pricing
and pear

I am not looking to make a profit on this and don't really want to mess with 4-5 people to make the order, would prefer 1-2 other individuals to keep things simple.
5 years ago