Hi Megan,
"As a woman, I have felt pressured to be much more yang than I feel or want to be. I think that's why, as you said, women in "boss" roles can be worse a-holes than men, because they're trying to be more masculine than they are and that's a stressful and tiring role to be in."
I think you really hit the nail upon the head there with what I was talking about. In addition, with the two female bosses I had, I think it's very sad to see women cut themselves off from their feelings. I think this happens a lot in modern society. Even with women who aren't in leadership roles in the capitalist economy. I see women willing to talk about their emotions on a surface level, but not on a deep level, at least not with men. So maybe that's a radical idea for you: from my experience, women aren't very good at sharing their emotions either, generally speaking in today's world. Perhaps we're all bottled up. I'm going to share something that may be controversial here but let me preface by saying there are always exceptions and exceptional people in every generation. Since I was a university professor for 11 years, taught middle school, and take interns on my farm, and raised a son, I have a lot of experience with the two generations below my own (millennials and Gen Z). I am Gen X, which is the last generation that weren't digital natives, half-raised by computers, and my grandparents were just off the farm in the World World II generation, so I was deeply influenced by people who were raised without electricity. Additionally, I have spent a lot of time with Appalachian and Native American elders in the WWII generation, nearly all of whom have passed on. I can say the baby boomers (my parents generation) don't match up to them. Largely because of widespread capitalist materialism following WWII (some anthropologists call this 'the great acceleration'). My generation (X) is on the cusp of the digital revolution. Millennials and Gen Z are mostly raised my machines. This is huge. I can say this, from my perspective: millennial men are not the same as previous generations. It's tough to have a traditional male perspective with a sedentary lifestyle in front of a computer and always fidgeting with the cellphone. The women still seem like women to me (if you can catch their attention from their cellphones) but are often complaining to me about the lack of vigor in the males. I have had a fair amount of millennial male friends and every single one of them has let me down. And I have given a lot of second, third, and fourth chances. Most of it has to do with lack of clear decision-making, lack of attention span, and lack of ability to follow through on tasks until the end. I'm sure there are exceptions to this, but it has been a prevalent pattern in my life.
My dad once said something to me that I thought was insightful. He said: 'When men left the farm to work in the factory, that was the beginning of the destruction of the American family. When women joined the industrial workforce, that finished it off.' Now we have over 50% divorce rate and male-female relations are in chaos, as you pointed out at the beginning of this post. Did I mention I'm largely a Luddite? I don't have a cellphone and am not on social media, heat by wood, and grow most of my own food. Occasional internet use is about it. As John Trudell once said, "The old ways are hard.' But so are the new. Maybe there's still something there in the old ways. Including traditional gender roles. This doesn't have to mean obedience and servitude. In any sense, in my opinion. If you subjugate women and don't listen to them, you are cutting off 50% of your chances of survival in an increasingly hostile world. We are all humans, and humans are frail and flawed. I'm interested in engaging women as women, not as proto- or quasi- males. As such, women often have different insights than men, and those insights can prove valuable in nearly countless ways. The yin can complement the yang and that can make a harmonious relationship.
One more story from an experience in a Native American community. In the 90s I was at an Indigenous environmental gathering on a reservation. The women were in a big tarped area preparing deer for the gathering that the men had traditionally hunted. Since I had somewhat recently dated a feminist and we had shared the washing of dishes, I decided to offer my services to the Native women to wash the dishes for them. As soon as I entered the kitchen area, I was escorted out immediately by a Native woman friend. She said: 'Jim, I know what you're doing here and appreciate it. But us traditional Native women don't go in for the white woman's feminism. We derive our power from this space. Our men hunted these deer, and it is our role to prepare it for the community. We take pride from this and get a lot of meaning out of it. How we prepare the food helps influence how people act. It is very important for human survival. Sorry, no men are allowed in this sovereign and sacred women's space.' 'Nuff said. It made perfect sense to me; it reminded me of my grandma kicking the men out of her kitchen when I was growing up.
I think a huge mistake people in the modern world make is the assumption that women's roles and 'women's work' are not powerful. From where I'm sitting, I think it's equally important to the role of men in the healthy survival of human communities. What could be more powerful than that?