Thanks everyone!
Rahn and I are going to take advantage of the perfect weather for getting stuff done outside and work on making some dents in the to-do list.
Last week, Rahn got the rabbit cages under better shelter, and he started a second compost bin handy to their cages. A dozen rabbits put out a surprising amount of manure! That bin is also handier to the kitchen, so the coffee grounds (including those from the coffee shop), egg shells, vegetable trimmings that the rabbits don't eat, some leaves and sawdust, and other compostables will get into this bin.
He also did a fair amount of clean up and organizing outside.
This week we'll be going to the town lots and dropping some trees and cut into 8 foot logs to haul home and place for raised beds.
We're also going to get a couple pickup loads of pallets for the various pallet wood projects around the place.
Rahn disassembles the pallets in the easiest possible way - He puts a metal blade in his reciprocating saw and cuts the nails.
I'll be taking a few turns this week with the rake to get leaves into the raised beds, and the buckets for the containers. There's a spot where I can dig out some of the subsoil fairly easily to put in the bottom of the beds, but the wheelbarrow has a flat tire. I'm hoping Rahn can get it fixed this week, but if I can just get some buckets half-filled with the subsoil, that'll be a start.
I've renewed my request on Chipdrop - if I can get a load or two from them, it'll be a huge jump on compostables. (If you haven't heard of Chipdrop, it's a resource for tree companies to find people that can use the shredded trees and leaves,so they don't have to pay to dispose of it at landfills.)
I also plan to make a run to Walmart this week and fill the truck with broken-down cardboard for the bottom layer in the raised beds.
There are a few other bits on our to-do lists. Rahn is replacing the carpeting in the living room, hall, and 3rd bedroom with laminate. I'm finishing a pair of hand spun, hand knit slippers for myself, and then a pair of wool socks for Rahn. Just finish a pair of socks for myself.
I think that's enough plans to make for this week!