Bruce Penn

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since Nov 16, 2019
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Hi all!

Long time lurker here. I just got a house off a 4 lane intersection - cheaper than rent. We don't have nearly as much traffic as many of the huge US cities, but I have been hit in the face with truck exhaust a few times when exiting my house. This got me thinking...

If I were to grow food in my front yard, should I be concerned about toxicity from emissions? Are there any strategies to reduce the emissions and still use the space for something other than carbon farming?
Has there been any research on this topic? I've taken a quick look but haven't found anything.

-I'm willing to pay for toxicity tests or go full on scientific study - any resources for that?
-My front yard is to the south, hence wanting the veggies there. I've got about 30 ft of frontage to the road; the yard isn't huge. If toxicity is an issue I'm hoping for a permaculture solution so I can still produce some food there.
-I've looked in to indoor air quality and am getting several plants from this NASA study:

Fun side note: We have a black locust in the back that was 2 ft this spring and is now around 12 ft (early/mid September). I'll move some BL sprouts to the front for a temporary barrier and carbon sequestration. They grow like weeds here!

Thanks in advance!
4 years ago