George Waterhouse

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since Dec 20, 2019
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Be careful when freezing seeds (good advice from Bonnie and Joseph).  Verify from seed saver sites which seeds can be frozen and which cannot.  Also, viability decreases over time.  If you save your seed by year, you can sprout a few seeds each year from each growing season.  Within a few years you will know how long you can keep your seeds.  As for containers, those dozens of pill bottles you've been throwing away are particularly good for saving seed, and the amber color helps reduce the destructive effects of light.
5 years ago
A few tips I've found to be useful: Remove as much pulp as possible, then ...  1. Perform final rinse/wash in a colander, sieve, or tea strainer (depending on the seed size) and tap/bang off the excess water. 2. Use a towel or any other absorbing material on which to place the strainer.  The towel will wick away much of the water on the seeds.  3. (Optional) Spread the seeds around the sides of the strainer, and if you can waste a little electricity, use a blow drier (not too hot!) to remove more moisture. 4. Transfer seeds to parchment paper and spread them out.  The seeds won't stick to the parchment paper (and it can be reused).  Don't forget, exposure to the sun for a few hours can help cure the seeds and prevent mold. By these methods, you won't have to worry about the seeds sticking to anything.
5 years ago