Thanks Mandy
To give a bit more flavour now I know the thread is active.
We are a group of 5 looking to start a future in Portugal and live a more sustainable true life. Between us we have some building experience, gardening experience. We hope to set up a site heavily focused on permaculture and supporting ecology. The 5 of us (2 couple's and a single) were all looking to get deposits for houses here in England. But we are tired of the government, the property market, the lack of community , the lack of care towards the environment and frankly tired of capitalism! Above all we are tired of the rat race!
We do have a few concerns before leaving the UK.
The biggest of which Brexit.
We would be very interested to know what other people from the UK think about it all.
Are you worried that you will have to move?
Do you think Portugal is likely to make things difficult for you?
For us looking to move out there in the next year do you think it's a risk (in terms of Brexit)?
Do you think that risk is worth it?
Apart from the dreaded B word. What are your general opinions on what we would like to achieve and it's feasibility?
I hope to travel the country looking at a few options early spring next year. It would be excellent to meet with some of you and see what you have achieved. Get some insight into life in Portugal.
Thank you for any advice you can give