Lisa Suvarna

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since Dec 26, 2019
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Recent posts by Lisa Suvarna

in the summer, when I come back from the garden. I get this intensely itchy skin, don't know what causes it- maybe chiggers(can't see any bugs), but usually around skin folds. The only things that relieves it best is using wet clay. I already had kaolin clay, I just wet it with water to make a paste and apply on afflicted areas. Immediate blessed relief.
I used it on the outside cat, he had a skin reaction to fleas or I am not sure what. He would scratch his skin, till it would bleed. I simply made a watery paste and applied all over his sores. No more scratching and all his sores healed fast. Cat had tufts of fur gone, it started growing back in a few weeks.  
5 years ago
This has bothered me for a while now, is it okay to take bagged leaves that are placed close to the curb, from other peoples yards without their permission? I usually have to wait and ask permission before picking the bags up, as I just feel weird about taking the leaves. So, what is the general accepted norm? Help?

The other question, please share the different ways / machines/ tools used to mulch leaves. Used to use mulching mower which is currently out of commission due to bent crank shaft. Saw a video of someone mulching with weed eater in a trash can. Planning on giving that a try.

Thank you all!