A few acres of my place have terraces that have been in place since at least the late 1950's. They need to be rebuilt to divert the water off the field as they have washouts and are holding water in places. The soil is TX Blackland prairie, a.k.a. clay. As I'm not interested in using land as one large field, would it be advisable to convert the terraces to swales? The land area that is terraces is about 12-15 acres and is abandoned cotton land that has been grazed off and on since the 60's. Mix of grasses and cedar, honey locust, and brambles. I've mowed most of it just to get a feel for the lay of the land. But I would like to either build a pond or swales for water. Being TX, I get an average of 50 inches of rain a year, but which year that was I don't know! Actually, the year we bought this place, there was 100 inches. And last year, well, I grew up in the desert of NM and I've never seen it as dry in NM as it was here.
So what I'd like advice on, is on this soil type and rain potential, should I continue to divert the water off the field or put swales in and go full bore permacutlure on this ground (my preference). I' need to decide something soon so I can get my equipment in to work the soil before this fall and the rains start. The ground is slicker-than-snot when wet. If I get a chance, I'll attempt to post pics of the ground.