Corie Loffey

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since Jan 28, 2020
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Recent posts by Corie Loffey

When the whole COVID thing started, I bought 200 pounds of wheat berries, both hard red, hard white, and soft white, from Azure Standard.  They are a co-op out in Oregon, but have a delivery network around the United States. You might check them out on their website and see if there is a drop off spot near you. They are a great company and I have always been happy with their products and business model.
3 years ago
Wow! Thanks for taking the time to post your journey here! Love the emphasis on what works to keep the temperature right, and the practical tips on how to tell when the bread is ready to move to the next stage.  I've only dabbled in sourdough bread making, but your obvious passion for it is inspiring!
3 years ago

Jan White wrote:At the bakery, they ran the wet, sprouted grain through a grinder so it was hamburger type consistency. Then they added water, salt, yeast, sweetener (usually malt syrup, sometimes molasses or condensed grape juice, depending on recipe), and usually a bit of wheat gluten. The only recipe that didn't call for wheat gluten was the whole wheat recipe. So no real tips, unfortunately.

In their grinder, did they have to clean it out immediately to prevent the mash from setting up into a rock hard mess?  I wonder if using the Komo Classic grain mill in this way would be practical. Any thoughts?
3 years ago