Lloyd Schipper

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since Feb 12, 2020
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I am a sailor in the Netherlands and met someone about a year ago.
Slowly we are transitioning into the perma lifestyle and I am slowly getting out of the shipping business.
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South of France
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Recent posts by Lloyd Schipper

Thank you 😁 😁
4 years ago
I am dutch origin yes and still officially life there but am already moving into frans (moving in with my partner)
We just started our edible garden there.
And are now dissecting the legislation around building a house (what is needed and what not)

Our plan is first the garden (this summer)
Join a workshop with terrepaille and cob (hopefully this summer)
Finish the list with our priorities and decide on a place to settle and hope to start building our own place in 2 or 3 years
4 years ago
So I joined the forum and directly got excited and started posting but totally forgot to say hello

So hello I am an intressed Dutch guy that is in the planning and designing stage of permaculture.

Together with my partner we are now setting up a small eatable garden in the urban area we live in.
And for now we are looking into the building properties of building with terrepaille and cob. To determine the strength and possibilities.

We are also investigating climates in France to determine where we want to settle down and what the conditions are
4 years ago
2 separate systems with each their own chimney but I was thinking letting them come out in the same place so I can share the chimney structure
Just to simplify it
4 years ago
I must have mist the thread with the damper with double options in my searches.

The concerns about the patching leaking has been brought up and I have discussed it here.

So we are now thinking that simplicity is the biggest driving force.
And although I find the twin chamber interesting and the the water plan as well. They aren't worth the hassle

What do we want
1 mass heater with a bench inside for the sitting room, the key idea was to harvest the last heat of that for the green house.
And one to warm the green house in case of mayor wind chill if the house is already warm (with a small bench but it is a secondary thing.)
So if we make one inside with a bench (channel or strophications bell) with the chimney going to the green house
And the one from the greenhouse also going to a bench and to a similar chimney place and than make those chimneys clay bricks that slightly twis to provide a little slowing action the remaining heat should be stored in the chimney
4 years ago
A tesla valve restricts flow one way for gasses and liquids but not the other (restricts not block completely)
So until I go further with this I will need to figure out how long it can be maximum till the chimney and how much pull or push there should be generated to not circulate the gasses...

The water was the first idea, but if we don't want to heat the bench than we can't close it off. Or at least I haven't figured out how.
If you have the bench as a regular water tank and a heater in the bell or inside masonry of the stove then it would heat siphon automatically.
Closing the bottom would stop the siphon and start boiling the heater leading to pressure.
Closing the top would do the same but with the steam pushing the water outside of the heater. Both not ideal

Anyway back to the drawing board

And thanks guys
4 years ago
How do you think about making the inside bench flow out into the outside bench guiding flow one way by tesla valve) so only the outside is connected to a chimney and higher than the flow from the inside bench
4 years ago
So it might be a safer amd easier way to make one bench and stove inside and have it fully air tight and a second one in the greenhouse, than over compacting things and risk the chance of an leak in the system.

Or if I really wanted one to also heat the other system make a water heater to flow there....

But that is the next project than first to design it with 2 seperate stoves (maybe mirror them)

Thanks for the input and it is wise to take extra care about safety with these systems
4 years ago
I have been interested in rocket stoves and mass heaters for a while and was interested in making a large on with optional outputs, but I haven't found anyone that has done a thing like this yet so I was wondering if it is possible.

The plan is a bigger one at a wall with a connection outside with a top to put a kettle on (easy) and a bell chamber bench inside (not that hard)
But also a bench in the other side of the wall to heat the green house (secondary bench not that hard but maybe lower profit)

And now to make it tricky I would like to make it optional so one or the other or both of the benches half... Which makes the whole thing more difficult

I was thinking of making a cast iron door after the bell to choose between the two benches.

What are your thoughts on this
4 years ago