I must have mist the thread with the damper with double options in my searches.
The concerns about the patching leaking has been brought up and I have discussed it here.
So we are now thinking that simplicity is the biggest driving force.
And although I find the twin chamber interesting and the the water plan as well. They aren't worth the hassle
What do we want
1 mass heater with a bench inside for the sitting room, the key idea was to harvest the last heat of that for the green house.
And one to warm the green house in case of mayor wind chill if the house is already warm (with a small bench but it is a secondary thing.)
So if we make one inside with a bench (channel or strophications bell) with the chimney going to the green house
And the one from the greenhouse also going to a bench and to a similar chimney place and than make those chimneys clay bricks that slightly twis to provide a little slowing action the remaining heat should be stored in the chimney