Josh Sparks

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since Feb 14, 2020
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I've always liked this video.

The PDF for it can be found here.
Wind Turbine PDF
4 years ago

elle sagenev wrote:I am not a super successful beekeeper. My bees died though when snow completely covered the hive. the lack of air flow caused mold and death. So, being in Michigan it's important for you to think about snow!

I was thinking possibly something like this.
4 years ago
Wouldn't a rat trap do the same thing but cost way less?
4 years ago
So I'm mostly on the site to dream about this lifestyle while doing research. I get Social Security Income and until I find a job that's decent or find someone to join on this journey, this is a pipe dream. The homestead life. But Bees! Here in Michigan we get snow and recently the weather's been really cold. I know there are insulation siding you can use to protect the bee's but is it beeneficial at all to have a bee house? Like a small shed/shack which you put the bee hives in? Something insulated with a place for bee's to come in and out of? That type of thing.
4 years ago