Steve Baker

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since Mar 25, 2020
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Bryant RedHawk wrote:It looks like there is to much space between the water line and the siphon tube inlet.

How much space should there be between the garden hose line and the siphon tube inlet?
2 years ago

Bryant RedHawk wrote:I am sorry but I don't have a way to show what I'm talking about.

Red Hawk, including a specific distance necessary between the garden hose inlet and the siphon in the instructions would be helpful.

What is the distance the siphon needs to be placed from the garden hose inlet?
2 years ago

Bryant RedHawk wrote:I am sorry but I don't have a way to show what I'm talking about.

How much space does there need to be between the garden hose input and the compost tea siphon?

I spent good money on these materials. Are you saying it's not going to work now?
2 years ago