Timothy, I’m relating a lot to your Post and have sort of begun the journey of developing a property alongside a bicycle trail in central Florida midway between Polk City and Mabel along the Van Fleet Trail.
It is 15 miles of flat car free riding to the nearest shopping in Polk City the property is basically viewed by the county as mostly unbuild able wetlands and there are access issues that require certain trips to be made under cover of darkness when there are not any trail users.
There is another nice bike trail nearby the Withlacootchee that might have semi wild areas for sale with less access issues and the potential to be on grid.
Florida right to farm act grants more leeway for building structures in areas with heavy land use restrictions, we are in the Green Swamp area of critical concern.
Nobody gives me grief about my garden gnomes or free range chickens, even have. A rooster who goes off predawn every day it’s awesome!