Annette Guerrero

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since Apr 13, 2020
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Anne Stobart wrote:My thoughts on rosehips... I prefer dog rose (Rosa canina) which makes an excellent hedge plant, good forage plant - harvest red hips before they wrinkle but after frost - or pick when red and put in freezer for 24 hours. amazingly the hips are richer in vitamin C than oranges. Also Rosa rugosa (actually Japanese) produces big hips though not so flavoursome. Most species roses will also produce usable hips i.e. avoid ones that are grafted onto a stock plant. However I would add that all parts are edible, so you can use the leaf as tea and rose petals in salads. There is a lot more detailed info on ways to use at

Thank you so much for your advice. This gives me a place to start.
4 years ago
I would love to grow my own rose hips.  What are your tips and advice for success?  I live in West Texas.
4 years ago