Tom Millican

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since Apr 24, 2020
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SW Tennessee, USA
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Recent posts by Tom Millican

I have given up on the poly tarps of any kind. The sun destroys them quickly. I have found that (more expensive than poly) canvas tarps are cheaper over their lifetime due to the longer life.
1 year ago
My seeds came! Thank you!
Just completed the other two raised bed containers.

Tom Millican wrote:Built two of these 4'x8'x2'-6" raised beds so far, have supplies and plans for two more. Filled with dead, decaying tree parts; wood chips, compost from stable (mixed with wood chips). Not seen is the cattle fence panel for climbing plants. Need climbing plants! [No idea how to add photo - Img doesn't work for me.]

Built two of these 4'x8'x2'-6" raised beds so far, have supplies and plans for two more. Filled with dead, decaying tree parts; wood chips, compost from stable (mixed with wood chips). Not seen is the cattle fence panel for climbing plants. Need climbing plants! [No idea how to add photo - Img doesn't work for me.]