Will Staves

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since May 13, 2020
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Recent posts by Will Staves

Have you heard of Russ Finch, he grows citrus fruit in Nebraska!

I only really know him from this one video. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD_3_gsgsnk

If you're getting the earth moving equipments out you could dig some trenches for the ducts.

I've thought of something similar for here in NC.  Here - it would basically just be to keep a few plants going year round. The cool thing about the geothermal is that you can use it to cool in the summer ( It gets hot here in NC )
4 years ago
I'm a big guy too. Over 6'5" and Over 280lbs. We are more prone to wear and tear.

Inversion Table! a sturdy one.

You don't need to go full hang - even a 30° - 45° inversion is enough to decompress the spine, which can both give temporary relief and help the disks heal. ( Plus it makes you feel good )
4 years ago
the shipping is more than the item!
Is it actually coming from Russia?
Could someone get a bulk order and stash on Amazon for quicker and cheaper distribution on this side of the oceans?
4 years ago