Tina Brewer

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since May 19, 2020
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We have the same problem here in North Georgia. It gets warm some days in March and everything starts to bloom out and then we have a killing freeze in March or April every year. So every year my plum trees starts out great and then gets the blooms or the plums frozen off of it. Interestingly my plum tree in my backyard is fine after the frost and the one in my front yard is all yellow and the leaves and plums are falling off. I covered both but with plastic. After it was already cold and dark I read that I should not be covered with plastic so I'll know better next year. I haven't been able to find any late blooming varieties it's very hard to find plum trees in my area at all. For years I've been trying to find cherry plum trees because my grandmother grew cherry plums when I was a small child in Jesup Georgia and they were fantastic. So I finally got a couple at tractor supply company and they're about 3 years old and have plums every year but I rarely get any edible ones by the time they are ripe due to birds squirrels deer and frost.
4 years ago