Mike Dickenson

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since May 21, 2020
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Recent posts by Mike Dickenson

Since 2010 when I officially began my journey into permaculture, alternative living, and playing with the idea of what it means to be Sovereign, I have wanted to have my own homestead. Homesteading is both a fun and crazy experience. It is a unique canvas for creativity as well as a testing ground for overcoming big challenges. For me it's been fulfilling to revisit things I once thought I can't do (like carpentry, plumbing, or butchering a chicken) and build confidence while learning new skills.

Anyway, with all that being said, I've documented some of my progress along the way and have made a few videos for my own enjoyment and hopefully yours. This one is a Cob Wall that I built inside of my greenhouse, which not many people do, to the best of my knowledge...yet, at least.😎

1 year ago
I planted a hugel using the crappy clay soil as back fill. We added half a dozen wheelbarrows of fresh sifted compost. Our plants are doing great. We dug into the new soil a bit and it's amazing!!
4 years ago