Daniel Benjamins

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since May 25, 2020
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Recent posts by Daniel Benjamins

Joshua States wrote:A photo or two would help me understand the situation better and come up with a suggestion.
Most of our PVC piping in the States is a standard thread commonly called "iron pipe" (MIP, FIP). If the thread on the tank doesn't match, it's probably a metric size/gauge and good luck finding a matching adaptor. You could try removing the threads from either the tank outlet or the inside of the ABS adaptor and creating a slip fitting. Then, just use a PVC or ABS glue to connect them. Glued connections in PVC/ABS are quite common and watertight, even under pressure.

See below for some pictures. First two are from the tank where the standard ABS does not fit. Last two are from the tank where it fits perfectly. Thread seems the same to me. Besides these two, I have another two tanks where standard ABS fits right away.

7 months ago

Christopher Weeks wrote:What's happened with these trees since this was current?

Trees are doing very well, but the heights are very random. Some are just 6 inches, others are 5+ feet. The white pines are growing really fast and the spruce is doing good too.

I cleared weeds in the fall of 2020, 2021 and 2022 and although it was a lot of work, I'm glad I did it. I feel it helped a lot preventing the seedlings from getting smothered in the fall. Now most of them are big enough to with withstand the weeds. Soon the bigger ones will be able to reproduce and fill in the open spots.
I have several IBC tanks from different brands that I successfully connected to a standard 2" ABS female adapter from the hardware store. I have one tank that for some reason doesn't connect. It's the right diameter, but the fine thread seems to be a tiny bit different and it just doesn't grab to the ABS adapter. Is there a different way to do this?
7 months ago
I dug out a pond and I'm planning on lining it with clay so it eventually will hold water. There is no spring or other water source other than rain.

Now I would love to have water plants, like reeds and cattail in my pond. Do I add these plants before or after they clay liner?

Do I plant them just like regular plants and grasses? Not sure if it matters, but the pond is about 8 ft deep at the lowest point.

Another question; I see tons of cattail in the ditches in my area. Would they survive and multiply f I transplant them into my pond?
1 year ago
It's been a while but the bus shelter is (almost) finished. I decided to go with a full slab, it was the most durable and smartest option. Only some window trim, painting and landscaping to do:
2 years ago
Thanks for you answers, I'll go do some shopping around. I can't raise my own meat, but I know some people around here that do this and probably will sell to me.
2 years ago
I'm considering buying meat in bulk instead of weekly at the grocery store, it's for my family of 4. Does anyone know which size would be best for a quarter of half a beef?

I'm also not sure about the quality of the meat when it's frozen. When buying in bulk it will be frozen and I assume it will be professionally (very fast) frozen. When I freeze meat myself the quality goes down quite a bit after thawing it, even if it has been frozen for only a few weeks. I think this is because my freezer is freezing everything at a slower pace?
2 years ago