Cassie Haurli

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since May 27, 2020
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Recent posts by Cassie Haurli

Wj Carroll wrote:Wild blackberries and blueberries, no doubt!  Blackberries are good most anywhere, but those little "buckshot" blueberries that grow on almost bare rock in the mountains are such a rare and wonderful treat.... beyond that, wild grapes, feral apples, cherries and pawpaws… and the rare gooseberry that survived eradication... mulberries sometimes and elderberries.... cedar/juniper berries.. It all grows all around me... but, blackberries are the most common and easy to find

Oh my goodness, you're naming so many delicious delights! I am sad to say that I could only recognize by sight three of those fruiting plants. I'm wondering if anyone has a favorite resource online, like a forest hikers' guide to recognizing these fruiting plants by habitat and sight at a distance.

Thanks in advance!
4 years ago

De Mott wrote: I would be most interested in food, medicinal, and pollinator plants. Thanks!

Hi De Mott, I want to suggest Jerusalem Artichokes. They are native to north america, the roots are edible and they can grow quite tall with a happy yellow apple sized sunflower. I know they are proliferate, so only plant where you want to keep them. There are some great YouTube videos by people about cultivating them. I have not done a search based on their appeal to dear, but I thought to suggest it for the fact it's edible and native.
4 years ago
So excited for you to share your experience, welcome Anne!
4 years ago
I'm excited that this website and forum is a thing, and now to be part of it. I am looking for solutions to having someone in the Stratford, Ontario, (western area) to take on the challenge of starting a homestead. There is no infrastructure of any kind, though there are buildings that have some storage potential.

I am living in Northern Ontario and working there, but don't have a job yet near my land, and now not likely for several more years with the present pandemic. This land has been sitting fallow for more than 20 years, I see it as having a high gardening potential. If there was an interest in building a gardening Collective to manage the garden, that is a great plan. I just don't know where to look or how to contact interested and respectful individuals. So I thought I would give a shout out on this site where the like-minded gather.

I am willing to do the research to find out what kind of mobile living can be used here, and all other issues related to starting a permaculture Homestead. I just need the legs and hands to do the work. Ideally it would be a trade, i.e. no fees to use the land for several years while collaborating on the responsible working of the property. I would have some capacity to help do projects for a few days out of every month.

I'm getting too much into details. I am very open to any suggestions on who or where to find such people to embark on this collaborative endeavour. Please share your thoughts and suggestions.

Wishing you well,
4 years ago