Brian Leahy

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since May 28, 2020
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Recent posts by Brian Leahy

I'm rather confused regarding treatment for Vent Gleet and if using a strong mix of Bleach will kill Red Mite. A new other point is the morality of using hybrids. I have read an article recommending,  Leghorns, Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock. Does anyone have a view?
3 years ago
Your mentions of an oil heater brought back memories of Korea and one of the duties I pulled was night security at the residence of the GOC General Decker. Patrolling the area in Winter was very cold so we were allowed to step into the building where the oil heater was kept and it was beautifully warm. There was one fault in that the dam thing used to go, "whoomf" every so often which made me jump. I'm finding that Solar Power is more complicated that I realised and installing oil heating in England is really expensive so I'm looking into the feasibility of taking a spur pipe, suitably insulated from the house but its all in the mind at the moment.      
3 years ago
I would like to be able to heat my garage 12 feet wide by 24 feet long built from concrete blocks with Solar power. Is that possible?
3 years ago
I've got thee chickens about three years old who up until last Autumn were laying an egg a day each. I expected them to slow down as Winter came along but they have still not started laying again. Two of them had messy backsides so I fed them a supplement to deal with worms but still no deal. Will they ever lay again?
3 years ago

Brian Leahy wrote:I have a hand operated water pump in my garden that worked quite well until the leather washer wore out.  I found a replacement but now the pump dosen’t work I assume because I didn't assemble it correctly. I’m now looking for either answers from this forum or suggestions as to forums that specialise in this subject.

4 years ago
I can't work out how to upload photograph.
4 years ago
Many thanks.  I have just taken a photograph of the pieces and will now try to get it into my post. Mnay thamks again, Brian
4 years ago
I have a hand operated water pump in my garden that worked quite well until the leather washer wore out.  I found a replacement but now the pump dosen’t work I assume because I didn't assemble it correctly. I’m now looking for either answers from this forum or suggestions as to forums that specialise in this subject.
4 years ago