Craig Anderson

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since May 30, 2020
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Home is on a 1 acre lot. I'm gardening for the first time in 2020. I am learning to scythe this year. Planting cover crop on the bare weedy spots and plan to scythe for mulch and compost.
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SE Colorado
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Recent posts by Craig Anderson

Good fortune to you. I live east of Pueblo, Colorado, about 4570ft and perhaps 12" rainfall. I do have a domestic well for irrigation, but looking to minimize/eliminate irrigation. The lot has poor clay soil. I'm composting and making cold plant tea fertilizer from volunteer weeds, excepting goat heads. I'm a gardening newbie and have not found anyone around doing dry land farming/gardening. Cheers.
4 years ago
Welcome. I'm new to permaculture. Live in SE Colorado, a desert area, in an unincorporated village. Interested in building community in this area.
4 years ago