Mj Noethe

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since Jun 30, 2020
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Hello everyone!  This is my first time growing blue & pink oysters from a 5 gallon bucket.  I have two buckets, drilled many holes in them, used aspen wood chips (pasteurized) and 2 large backs of the grain spawn.  I think I have gotten my first flush of both buckets.  I moved them outside in a fully shaded spot in a corner by my house. I mist them 2 times a day.  I am in Iowa, and it is usually around 80 degrees during the day and 70 at night-very humid right now.  It seems like my mushrooms don't become fully grown before they start to shrivel & darken a little?  I'm wondering if it is too hot for them, or if they need more sun?  Maybe I'm watering them too much?  I have also found some tiny black bugs that i try to get out with water.  Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thank you all!
4 years ago