Roberta May

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since Jul 02, 2020
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I've practiced animal communication since the early 2000's.   Dogs and horses are the easiest.  I do the communication from a picture, so there's no way they sense my body language.  The experiences already listed of suddenly thinking "treat time!", and the ducks calling for the corn you just thought about and the dog in the other room coming for a treat are perfect examples that this works.  

Here's a good practice for those who are open to it.  If you walk your dog, let your dog lead just a bit (keep on leash if you must) and picture which way you want to turn at the next corner.  Really picture both of you turning that way.   Then verbally praise your dog (out loud) when they do make that turn.

My focus has been on shelter animals.   Animal communication has changed my life. Now I know they can understand my thoughts - so I think kinder.
1 year ago
I love that tool.  We use it doing trail building in the woods where we call it a rock rake.  I got so I could flick sticks off the trail without missing a step.  Use it at home in the garden all the time.  The light weight means I can use it all day without tiring.
4 years ago
yes please, I'm looking for suggestions.
4 years ago
Hi folks - first post here, so apologies if I put this in the wrong spot.  I have lived in the PNW most of my life, and last summer moved to a lovely 5 acre lot with mostly woods but some open space.  Previous owners mowed more than I am willing to do.  While I would love to learn to do permaculture and then apply it on my land, I need to jump-start that learning process with the help of a professional.  Regular internet searches for garden designer take me to too many suburban grassland looking portfolios.  I'm looking for a mix of natives and some food producers, must be organic, and mostly low maintenance once established.  How do I find someone?  Anyone on this forum qualified?  I'm about 45 minute drive from the Portland Oregon airport.
4 years ago