Tom Maxey

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since Jul 18, 2020
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Check out Arched Steel cabins. Kitted gothic arches that go up quickly in a system of ribs reinforced by horizontally applied metal roofing running the length of the building. Integral insulation systems and several foundation systems. Gaining popularity, and from what I'm seeing acceptance with building officials.
I'm not an authority on buildings but they're straight forward and incorporate a system that's engineered to be quick, uniform in result and leaned toward owner builders.
2 weeks ago
Depends upon your definition of homesteading. The Ferguson TO 35 ( and it's sucessors 135, 230, 245 etc) was designed to be the perfect "smallholding" power source. It has performed that task ably for nearly 66 years. I wouldn't own more than 2 acres without one. I confess it's part of my DNA because the little beasts have been a constant in my life. We keep our 17 acre place pretty neat with a 1978 135 Diesel, and a handful of inexpensive attachments ranging from a tiller to a wood splitter. It's handy in the woods with a trailer or a carry all mounted . Starts first turn on the coldest mornings. I'd work an extra job to pay for one.
Tom Maxey
Floyd, Va.
4 years ago