Adam Quinlivan

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since Jul 19, 2020
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Recent posts by Adam Quinlivan

Thank you so much for posting this. I have been looking for this book for a long time and to see new publications for reasonable prices (and with a discount code) is absolutely AWESOME!!
3 years ago

Pearl Sutton wrote:I saw what you were trying to get for a second, then I lost it too. I got three that I guessed at, go through and edit it back to the ones you want and see what happens. Not sure what is going on. Tell me in this thread so I see it, I'm trying to figure this out :D

Thanks. This is working now.

Pearl Sutton wrote:Adam: gotcha!
Welcome to Permies! :D

Great! Thanks! I can see the bumper stickers but when I try to Submit I get an error.
Hi Pearl,

I am having the same problem as others in that I cannot see the bumper stickers option in my profile settings.

Could you please add it?

Thank you everyone for the welcome and kind comments.
4 years ago

I have known about Permaculture for many years but have not had the chance to develop any land. I currently reside in a small suburban house where I try to grow veges, set up aquaponics, compost, bokashi, and fruit trees.

I don't feel anywhere near to getting this place set up with a Permaculture design as my time is limited on the weekends with family time and during the week I work in an office.

This forum looks to be full of lots of amazing posts and information, so thank you for keeping this forum going as I am sure it will benefit others in the future.

4 years ago