Hi ya’ll. I live just outside of Pensacola, Fl in zone 8b. I’ve had Moringa in the ground for about 5 years and it always comes back for me in the spring. I’m sure if you mulch yours they’ll come back just fine.
I checked where I planted the bulbifera and I found nothing. I don’t know if they went dormant of died. I also planted some along a fence and I don’t see any of them. My other yams are growing fine but for what ever reason all of my bulbiferas aren’t growing. I’m sorry for getting hopes up but now I’m looking for bulbiferas now too.
Hi, thanks for posting. I planted several bulbiferas 2 years along the tree line of a peanut field across the street from my house. I’ll walk over when I get a chance and check to see if I have any bulbils. If I have any I’ll send you some.
Glad to see you posting again, Caesar! I hope you did well thru Hurricane Fiona. In my part of Florida, we were spared from the affects of Hurricane Ian. I’ll definitely have to get up with you around your harvest time!