N Verc

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since Aug 03, 2020
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Here it is important to keep away histamine rich foods. Eating yoghurt will cause me a sleepless night. Also eating nuts, or anything with sulfite will keep me up whole night. I use magnesium, and calcium to bring down the acid in my stomach and small intestine. Valerian will help relax muscles, but it brings me cramps in the morning. Glycine helps me relax. Also tryptophan (I spread it over the day). I use l-theanine in the morning to bring down my toughts. I have to avoid salicylate rich foods like apples, resins, tomato's and pepper and a whole bunch of other plants. They promote tyramine in my brain and that will compete with serotonine and dopamine. And one need both serotonine and dopamine to relax and have no pain. For me a natural solution is to avoid plants and fermented or aged foods. (Aged foods also can have mold).
Greetings Nathalie
1 week ago
Cough could also come from moldspores. Mold in a building. But also mold on food. The older the foods the more mold they contain. Mold (mycotoxins) has to be bound with antibodys. If one cannot make anti- bodies to bind to those toxins the mycotocins make the liver and bile slugisch. And sometimes the mycotoxins bring inflamation in the gut because they feed yeast like candida. This can give cough. If you lay down the gasses from the candida bring inflamation in the troath and can give dry cough. Clay, zeoliet or charcoal can bind to mycotoxins and calm down inflamation.
For herbs fenegriek or butterflypea flower (a blue flower) can bring down recirculation of the slugisch bile. Fenegriek is also from the pea family. But charcoal can immidiatly stop cough. Avoid nuts, grains, seeds, fruits, dried fruits, (dried) roots, chilli, pepper, dairy as they are high in molds. You can look up more about aflatoxin and more molds. If the liver is full of toxins, oxigen goes down like somebody else already mentioned.
6 months ago

Jojo Cameron wrote:

Anne Miller wrote:The cough is probably not lung unless your family member is coughing up mucus or phylum.

She may have developed an allergy to something she recently came into contact with or as mentioned a bug.

I would try a hot tea with honey and lemon or herbal teas made of peppermint, ginger, slippery elm, thyme, turmeric, or marshmallow root.

Also cough drops made with these natural ingredients can be very helpful.

I have a persistent cough and keep cough drop handy for when I start coughing.

Anne -- again, this is a shrewd observation, and corroborates my suspicion that it's the result (explicitly stated to be such an auto-immune response, against nothing) of the injection.  I have indeed been using peppermint oil in her oil burner, putting turmeric in her tea, and did use an oil mix including thyme.  I'll keep trying these things, and see if I can find marshmallow root and/or slippery elm.  Thanks for the suggestions!

Turmeric needs to be fresh harvested. And not been dryed or long time in the kitchen when the cough is dry. It is high in mold. Thyme will make the troath even more dry.
6 months ago
Cough could also come from moldspores. Mold in a building. But also mold on food. The older the foods the more mold they contain. Mold (mycotoxins) has to be bound with antibodys. If one cannot make anti- bodies to bind to those toxins the mycotocins make the liver and bile slugisch. And sometimes the mycotoxins bring inflamation in the gut because they feed yeast like candida. This can give cough. If you lay down the gasses from the candida bring inflamation in the troath and can give dry cough. Clay, zeoliet or charcoal can bind to mycotoxins and calm down inflamation.
6 months ago