Cjm Brown

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since Aug 20, 2020
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The grasshoppers have been here for  about 15-20 days, eating almost everything to the ground. The asparagus stems have turned brown and aren't being eaten as often as green leaves elsewhere, but they don't look healthy at all. I'm concerned because the crowns were planted later than they should have been and only one or two spears appeared before the grasshoppers arrived. I will keep watering, maybe a little lighter than I would have, and hope for the best. Thank you for giving me confidence to do what I thought might work.
I planted asparagus crowns in a new raised bed this spring. All but one sprouted. They looked great! Then the grasshoppers came by the hundreds of thousands and ate all the ferns off the stalks. Now my question is: do I continue watering? Will the bare stalks continue to help the roots get stronger? Will watering encourage the crowns to rot? I don't know what to do. Any advice?