Nolan Lynch

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since Sep 10, 2020
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Recent posts by Nolan Lynch

Hi Paul,

Sorry, just saw your reply now. Big fan of Greg Judy. His second book just arrived in my mailbox yesterday. I think I watched those particular videos you mentioned last week... What a sharp guy.
3 years ago
Thanks, Eric. I will look into these. Much appreciated.
3 years ago
Hi everyone. Rookie here. I'm in the north Willamette Valley and have about five acres of old nursery land that I'm planning to start pasturing layers on next year and then cows and maybe sheep a few years after that. The land is mostly bare dirt at the moment, and I figure I should try to seed it with a good variety of grasses and forbs and so on to get it ready for livestock. What works well in this part of the world for the animals I have mentioned? Should I just leave it alone and see what comes up?

Thanks, appreciate the help.
3 years ago
Ok, thank you for the input. I really like how Justin’s system only requires that you move the rearmost fence each day, but it sounds like they only works with a very specific kind of chicken.
4 years ago
I need some advice.

Are there any portable electrical fences which you would feel comfortable using for something as small as a chicken and something as large as a cow? I’m looking into multi-species rotational grazing, but for the sake of simplicity, I would like all my fencing to be interchangeable. What do I need to know?

4 years ago