marc locher

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since Sep 13, 2020
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Recent posts by marc locher

hi eric, thanks for the answer. nice idea to grow the wine caps for the compost / compost tea. gonna look into that as well...
4 years ago
Buenos dias. I have the chance of living on and using a 90ha cloud-forest area in Peru with my wife and our soon to be born son. It's a very fruitful land and there are probably as many options what to do with it as there are trees growing. One option that is high up on our list is to grow shiitake (and other mushrooms) on logs to make a living. I tried growing oyster mushrooms on logs as an experiment in Switzerland with good success but have no experience in other climates.

After checking the climate chart (see attachment) of our place in Peru I thought it seems like a great combination of temperature and humidity (between 60-80%) to grow mushrooms on logs year round. What is your opinion about it? Is there a major down part to this climate for starting a mushroom farm on logs, i.e. are the night time temperatures too low?

A big cheers for sharing your thoughts and experience!

ps: are there permies or fungi-enthusiasts around here from peru?
4 years ago