Wendy Smith

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since Sep 29, 2020
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This picture was my last little guy doing great.  
4 years ago
I'm keeping you all posts as a good resource for future 🐥 ducklings.  
4 years ago
I'm sad to say little guys didn't make it.  I tried hard, but think with the little guys not being able to hold up his head. He couldn't eat or drink.  I gave him honey like someone on here said, and he was doing really good.  But i think what I read to do for wry neck is what did it.  They said olive oil had vitamin E. With that and honey and heat it up and give every 2 hours. Well not long after that he passed.  I'm learning, and I've only lost 3 thats were ducklings, but thats to many.  Hatching and working with ducklings and chicks makes it rewarding and good learning experience.  I have a duckling due everyday in Nov. So I hope that they all hatch healthy like the others.  One thing her eggs have been being huge. Larger than the others that have hatched. I'm never helping them hatch, unless they are passed 30 days.  I hope I did right in the end?
4 years ago
One question can I keep it in the incubator until tomorrow to keep it warm?
4 years ago
Thank you all for the great help.  I have been putting  the prkins eggs in the incubator one at a time as she lays them.  She lays once a day. I've normally hadn't had this worry.  But I just want the little guys to get up and move around.  I'm trying honey and water.
4 years ago
One other thing I'm sure he had taken up the whole egg and looks like his foot isn't right. Could he have taken up the whole egg and his foot get deformed?  He isn't getting up, but I have have him honey amd water to see if that helps.  Poor little guy.
4 years ago
OMG, thank you so much.  This is stressing me out, thinking that we made a mistake cutting him from the egg.  He is still alive but I do see bleeding.  I'll try honey thats all I have and eater to see if that perks him up.  I have another due tomorrow and have one hatched thats a week old so little to big to stick in the incubator.  
4 years ago
In reference to my question. I believe after reading up that I may have made a mistake by taking him completely out of the shell. Should I have done that and what is the chances the little guys will be okay?
4 years ago
I need help with a question.  We have a duckling that was due Nov 1st and hadn't hatch yet. We seen the egg pippin a little bit, but still nothing.  We watch and waited and still nothing, and with it going on day 30.  We decided to help the little guy. Well when we did we seen lots of blood coming out of the shell and boy we panicked.  But we continued because he was chirping and moving.  Two hours later after hatching he is still moving and chirping. We are keeping him in the incubator until he is strong amd fluffy.  But did we do the right thing, and will he make it?
4 years ago
I was basing it on the other ducklings I've hatched.  I've hatched about 8 so far.  Just didn't seem right, but maybe I'm over thinking it. They are due Sunday and hopefully they will hatch.  I'm in the North do perkins sell well in the winter.  
4 years ago