Estelle Clotet

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since Oct 07, 2020
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Recent posts by Estelle Clotet

Hi everyone,
We are planting a Food Forest in South West of France but we have deers and wild boars in the area. We try to avoid fencing the all Food Forest to not cut animal corridors but we have to protect the young trees. Do you have any ideas how to protect young trees from wild boars ?
Thanks for your help.
1 year ago
Is there someone next to France to send him some seeds ?
1 year ago

We have a project which consists in raising hens for eggs in a cool temperate ocean climate (9b USDA) with the paddock shift system in an area which associate market farming and agroforestry. We are looking for some information about the number of hens we have to raise to be able to remunerate one person, paddocks size to provide enough food, …
We have 2,5 acres available for raising hens.
We would like to know if it is possible to remunerate one person with the paddock shift system.
This system can also works if the hens aren’t following cattle or there is not enough food in this case ?
What is the animal days per acre for a hen ?

Thank you for your help.
4 years ago
Thank you very much for your answer, Chris.
I have some difficulties to find information locally because no one is doing this in our region.
I can provide you more information about my context: in total, we have 2,5 acres available for raising hens in a climate 9b USDA. There will be a lot of biodiversity because we will use a permacultural way.
We would like to know if it is possible to remunerate one person with this approach.
4 years ago
We have a project which consists in raising hens for eggs in a cool temperate ocean climate (South of France) in an area which associate market farming and agroforestry. We are looking for some information about the number of hens we have to raise to be able to remunerate one person, paddocks size to provide enough food, …

Does anyone have a business plan for an egg-mobile system in order to raise hens for eggs in a Joel Salatin style ?

Thank you for your help
4 years ago
We have a project which consists in raising hens for eggs in a cool temperate ocean climate (South of France) in an area which associate market farming and agroforestry. We are looking for some information about the number of hens we have to raise to be able to remunerate one person, paddocks size to provide enough food, …

Does anyone have a business model for a paddock shift system in order to raise hens for eggs in a Paul Wheaton style ?

Thank you for your help
4 years ago