Julia Megan

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since Oct 18, 2020
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I live and work on Treaty No. 1 Territory, the Traditional Lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the Homeland of the Métis Nation. Our clean drinking water in Winnipeg is sourced from Shoal Lake, home of Shoal Lake #40 First Nation and Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation.
I acknowledge the harms, past and present, that are inflicted on Indigenous Peoples in Canada by a colonial, exploitative worldview. I respect the Treaties made on these Lands and I dedicate myself as an educator and citizen to moving forward in collaboration with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation.
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Treaty 1 Territory, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Zone 3b
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I totally agree, in the (paraphrased because I'm too lazy to go find the book) words of Naomi Klein, we must first teach our children to love nature, before we ask them to save it.

Not sure if you're set on non-fiction, but here are a few I love!
Stand Like a Cedar - by Nicola I. Campbell
On the Trapline - by David A. Robertson
Wild Berries - by Julie Flett
Girl and the Wolf - by Katherena Vermette
Leo Lionni - Swimmy, Fish is Fish, A Color of His Own, Inch by Inch, Frederick and many more (less "nature" specific, but all full of wonderful art and animals!)
Melanie Watt - Scaredy Squirrel, Leon the Chameleon (same as above - Scaredy Squirrel is a lot of fun, but it can also be good for anxious kiddos who need a plan before they venture out! Her Chester books aren't nature specific, but they are always well loved by my students)
Big Al - by Andrew Clements
Picture a Tree - by Barbra Reid

Kate Messner - Over and Under the Pond, Over and Under the Snow, Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt, and the newer ones I haven't read yet, Over and Under the Rainforest and Over and Under the Canyon
Dianna Hutts Aston - A Seed is Sleepy, A Nest is Noisy, A Rock is Lively, An Egg is Quiet, A Beetle is Shy, A Butterfly is Patient (I haven't read them all, but the ones I have are good!)

And some bonus urban wildlife/garden books:
Rose's Garden, Peter H. Reynolds
Flowers on the Roof, Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir
My Garden,Kevin Henkes
The Tiny Seed, Eric Carle
Growing Vegetable Soup, Lois Ehlert
I've also heard good things about The Gardener by Sarah Stewart

Many of these books should be available at your local library or independent book store! If I think of any other great ones when I'm at school tomorrow, I'll add them. I hope this helps! I love good books. I'm a fan of many of Jan Brett's books as well, and I'm pretty sure I had Seal Pup Grows Up as a child!
3 years ago
I mean, you certainly have to be careful where you put them, but that's a very solvable problem to me? Much easier to deal with than a wooden container garden indoors, I would think.
3 years ago
Depends on if they have indoor plants or not, but mosquito dunks (for fungus gnat control) are gold this time of year (and also weirdly hard to find in my area right now? Something about most of ours coming from the west coast).
3 years ago
I will preface this with the fact that I live in Canada's bread basket, so I am both spoiled for lovely local grains and also know nothing about New Jersey/New York flour. BUT, we have a grain CSA here so I searched for grain/flour CSAs in New Jersey and came up with a few potential options...

Red River Valley Community Grains:

Edible Jersey also has some interesting resources:
https://ediblejersey.ediblecommunities.com/shop/csa-guide-jersey (a few of these CSAs list grains/flour as one of their crops)

Community Supported Garden at Genesis Farm also has a CSA and sells additionally surplus through a store, including a whole wheat flour and wheat berries. They seem to be working on biodynamic gardening?

I'd also ask around at farmers markets or if you have any restaurants/bakeries that promote their use of local supplies. Food people love other food people usually. Hopefully this helps! I know your original ask was months ago, but can you ever have too much good bread?
3 years ago
I'll admit, I do use a scale when I make sourdough (that's how I was taught by a local DIY/homestead-y baker at a workshop a number of years ago), but I also adapt based on my starter and my dough. I'm always looking for the right consistency over the exact measurements! I've never been very good at baking yeast-based quick breads though... I don't like how mine have turned out in the past, so when I got in to making sourdough I quit trying. Maybe something to attempt again!
3 years ago
I'm a bit of a bike nerd (very involved with my local bike community), and I'll throw my vote behind something with a Bosch motor. Every bike mechanic I know says go with Bosch or don't bother (or, I suppose, get very, very good at fixing things... which I guess is a permie trait, but these motors can be pretty complicated, and often need serious specialized tools!).
Personally, I'm saving up for a Gazelle, but they're pricey and also not necessarily what you're looking for.
Have you thought about a bakfiets (box bike)? They're becoming more popular in North America now (originally used in Denmark and the Netherlands), and are great at hauling all sorts of things. They can be expensive though (if you want to see some beautiful bicycles, take a look at the Riese & Müller Packsters... so much money, but so spectacular). Consider this 2020 list of top cargo bikes, and see how many have Bosch mid drive motors: https://www.bicycling.com/bikes-gear/a25054215/best-cargo-bikes/ .
Shimano has also been having some issues lately with their motor, and their customer service options can be more difficult to access (most modern bike shops, at least here in Canada, are certified to support bosch motors).
I promise, I have no affiliation whatsoever with Bosch, other than loving good, reliable bikes!

Also, Bikes at Work makes the kind of trailer you'd likely want to haul permie things: https://www.bikesatwork.com/
 . Our local bike valet hauls bike racks on them, and they are seriously heavy duty trailers with one of the best hitch attachments I've ever seen. They can hold far more weight than you're likely willing to pull.
3 years ago
This seems to be the place for my question - is there a rationale for why unglazed terracotta is not allowed? It's my go-to material for houseplants/indoor herbs (I get my pots mainly from a local organic/better than organic/permaculture-supporting garden centre). If it's not safe, or there is another reason, I'm interested to know!
A lot of glazed/ceramic pots I can source locally have questionable finishes food safety wise (possibility of lead, toxic materials), and although I love wood boxes, indoors I worry about mold/water leakage. Metal could potentially work, but if it's new, that's a lot of metal needing to be mined to make the number of containers I would need, and I still would have to deal with drainage. Used is possible, but I haven't seen many options locally lately. Glass again has the issue of drainage (I'm just not good enough to keep houseplants alive without drainage!).
Until this year, my outdoor garden (formerly a balcony garden) has been mostly scavenged pots (plastic) and two cedar planter boxes I built with help from a family member (but no watering tray, they just drip out into my garden). I moved into my own little (inner-ring, walkable) suburban home this summer. Now that I have my own little yard, I'm hoping to build some hugelkultur beds for the back yard and some raised beds for the front (as per the Wheaton Eco Scale, I'm trying to gently move folks upwards gradually, which means no hugelkultur in the front yard yet! Plus, I don't really have space in the front...).
This turned into a bit of a ramble, sorry! Thanks for your help!
3 years ago