Afternoon Jack,
I'm down by Universal/Disney and am giving it a go in the backyard for the first time. If you ever want to knock some ideas around, def message me.
We started off just trying to keep a tomato and bell pepper alive for my son's college course, then worked on cocktail garnish (mint), ginger for syrups, threw the pineapple tops in the ground after making tiki drinks... Now it's bag growing seeds saved from my son's first tomato, mustard, eggplants, and got sheet-mulched tomatillos, poblano, and jalapenos in the ground. Lowe's banana and guava trees, Publix papayas, Etsy chaya and wild flowers, Beautiful Bamboo's stuff are out there too. Can't bare to schwak the huge lemongrass for the teas we intended to make (a great buy at Lukas Nursery). Now I'm 'inheriting' sick plants from neighbors- God knows how that avocado and mango snapped back. At some point, permaculture came into the mix (in come the clover, sun hemp, and perenial peanut).
Discovered gardener's/tennis elbow along the way digging it all in
Gotta figure out how to balance that out too.
It's been a wild ride and a lot of fun, relaxation, solace, and source of conversation with the neighbors. Best of luck to you.