Kevin Goedeke

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since Nov 04, 2020
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Great feedback, thanks.  Keep it coming. I will take the feedback and edit the instructions accordingly and repost next week.  It will be interesting to see how these instructions progress based on the numerous of years of experience you all are sharing.  
James and Eric,
Thank you both for the honest and timely feedback!  Greatly appreciate it.  I should have mentioned that day "0" of the timeline was inteneded to be the last expected frost for the region.  I am understanding more and more that gardening is scientific but also an art form with tons of successful "recipes" from experts like yourselves.  Thanks again and I would love additional feedback from anyone that has any.

Cheers and Merry Christmas!
Alright, let me have it!  What do you like, dislike, and where am I way off with these instructions?