Peter Clark

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since Nov 10, 2020
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Ok so if i 30 rpm on a 5 foot waterwheel with900 gpm 1 foot wide with 16 - 2 gallon buckets hoe much hp woulf inget
4 years ago
Ive read several different calculations on oversho waterwheels from getting 61 hp with a 10 foot diameter 5 fott wide 1 foot deep buckets witha flow of 50 cfs thats over 370 gallons a second seem unlikely to be possible another said for a overshot wheel that between .3 to 9.0 cfs is the range of flow another said 54 hp xould be reached with 422gpm abot 2.0 cfs on a 6 foot whee im new to this but im thinking with a overshot wheel once it gets moving the buckets wont have time tp completly till and that only about a third of the bucket are filling to spin the wheel that a 6 foot wheel with 18 paddles 1 foot wide and 1 foot deep and a flow rate of 2cfs the wheel should spin about 29 rpm the maximum firba overshot wheel what are your thoughts
4 years ago