Joe Repella

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since Nov 11, 2020
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Recent posts by Joe Repella

Joe Repella wrote:I watch every video that I can find and have heated with wood for many years.  Want to build in my building have an auto shop and apartment all in one building so I am able to feed fires regularly, my biggest question is chimney draw in the fisher price house there must be a really good draw and you stated it was very hot.  Could you incorporate a damper in the system?    Thanks Joe

4 years ago
I watch every video that I can find and have heated with wood for many years.  Want to build in my building have an auto shop and apartment all in one building so I am able to feed fires regularly, my biggest question is chimney draw in the fisher price house there must be a really good draw and you stated it was very hot.  Could you incorporate a damper in the system?    Thanks Joe
4 years ago