Luke Townsley wrote:Sooo, the devil is in the details, but the short answer is no, IMO.
Wood gives off plenty of VOCs, some species more irritating to some people than others. Coniferous species tend to be more offensive in my area. Drying and curing the wood helps.
One issue with conventional style log cabins is insulation. If your site has moderate seasonal temperature swings, you might get away without insulation, but you say it is cold, and it is my understanding that the r value of a solid uninsulated log wall tends to be pretty low, again species matters, and of course, r value isn't the whole story. If you have unlimited free heat, say from wastewood, you might be ok with this.
Sebastian Köln wrote:What about AAC?
I have recently rediscovered it while looking for insulation materials that are mold and insect proof, not a mess to install and could be produced locally (lots of limestone here) if I can get my hand on an autoclave.