Bee Harris

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since Nov 21, 2020
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Recent posts by Bee Harris

I just looked it up. It sure does look like one. I’ve never tasted a blue Hubbard before. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks for identifying it for me!
3 years ago
Day 10 - BRK

Today is boot gardening day. We started with watering and I also mulched a portion of my hugel plot, and then I enjoyed the simple task of harvesting potatoes. I ended up with a decent load. After my PB&J lunch, we went down to the shop to mill some lumber with the saw mill. Come to find out, we needed to make some minor adjustments to the calibration of the log and frame of the mill. I’m still constantly learning about this thing. Having no previous background with any type of saw mill, it’s taking a bit of figuring out. We milled a nice lot of boards. Still ironing out all of the kinks. The good news is that the saw motor belt seems to be staying in place and is not getting torn up.
Today was a good day. I’m convinced that tomorrow will be another one. See y’all on the flip side.
3 years ago
Day 9 - BRK

Today we started with gardening. I chopped and dropped a bunch of grass to mulch a small part of my patch. I also harvested some red and white potatoes and cooked a few with some eggs for lunch. They really don’t get any fresher than that!
After lunch we worked on the solarium. Marking and cutting to give a level surface to notch for the rafters and marking the log for the depth of the rafter notches. Yesterday we managed to get the beam up and mounted on the garage side. We carriage bolted the beam to the 2x6’s on the inside.
We also did a battery maintenance run, checking all of the batteries at base camp and the lab.

Here’s a video of Dez and Grey starting the cut to level a beam for the solarium.
3 years ago
Thanks Hans! I’m hoping this thing holds up well. It seems sturdy enough. I’m curious bout the figure 8 thing?
3 years ago
Day 8 - BRK
Today in the morning I took ol’ Judi to grab some water so we can continue soaking the primary hugels. After initiating the watering, we cleaned up and organized the library, then went down to the shop and organized a bit more.
Once we finished lunch, we started working on the solarium. Notching out for the rafters, and posts. This was my first experience with doing any kind of timber framing, and I enjoyed it! Though a bit tedious, it’s the type of work that suits me well.  Working with my hands and paying attention to detail. We spent the whole afternoon cutting, chiseling, and filing the notches in that beam. Almost done with with it now.
Dinner time means taco Tuesday! A tradition I’m coming to love. Because we all take part in preparing the meal. It’s wonderful. This is community. This is the way I believe people are meant to live.
Not separate, secluded or isolated. But connected & interdependent.
Another day in the books.
I’m forever grateful for everything I’m able to be a part of. I truly wish to be of service, and help as much as I can. For one never knows when their time might be up.
3 years ago
Yessir I believe it is
3 years ago
Thanks George! It sure does look like it. I’ve never seen one before. Apparently it’s also called Horsemint?
3 years ago
Day 7 - BRK
Today was boot gardening day. We started with watering the hugels as always , and I set out to Chopping and dropping, harvesting potatoes, & planting bunches of garlic.
In the afternoon, we proceeded to work on the solarium. Which is high on the priority list. We got the main posts that are against the garage secured with carriage bolts, and are still working on getting all of the posts leveled and notched uniformly. We also marked the top beam for the rafter and post cutouts. There’s still quite a bit of work to be done.
After finishing fir the day, Grey and I decided to go for a swim at the river. The water was fairly cold, but wonderfully refreshing. Grey also stumbled upon a couple of apples floating in a creek that runs into the river. I thought it a bit strange at first. I’m guessing he got curious and followed the creek up through a culvert, low anc behold the tree those apples came from. There were hundreds more! I was stricken with joy and excitement upon this discovery. Grey and I harvested quite the load of them. Probably 20lbs or so total.
When we returned home, we decided to make some apple sauce, and spent a couple of hours washing and quartering them. I’ll let y’all know how the apple sauce was!
What a great day.
3 years ago
Day 6 - BRK
Today is Saturday, Which means free time to do as I please.
After breakfast, the first thing on my agenda was a bike ride to the lab. Back in Texas I would usually ride bikes with my brother every Sunday. I’m hoping to do the same here. To ride at least one day per week. It’s great fun, and you know, getting some exercise isn’t so bad either.
After returning from the ride, I made some eggs and toast for lunch, Which made me think about my chickens. One thing I surely miss from home.
When I finished lunch, Grey and I decided to go on another bike ride to the lab. We went a little further this time. Taking some time to explore ant village and take in all of the scenery.
All of this exertion made me fairly tired. I decided to take a short nap after returning back to base camp.
Once I woke up, there was still a bit of time in the day for me to tackle a small project. I repaired a few chairs that had seen better days. The cardboard bottoms had been broken and were falling through. I devised a simple repair by using some scrap 2x4’s and screws underneath the cushion to support the cardboard. Good as new....almost.
By this time, I was starting to get hungry again.
I decided to make vegetable potato soup for dinner. That really hit the spot.
What a beautiful day today was.
It just keeps gettin’ better.

3 years ago