I live in the southwest of Ireland on a one acre small holding and it has been a very wet year. For the first time in its hundred + year history, my cottage flooded badly, in large part due to a new bridge on a private lane that my neighbours erected over a stream that runs around our properties. The bridge is made of 3 small culverts that clog quickly during a storm resulting in the water damming up and floods my garden, washing away raised beds, destroying many hours of labour and harvests and this year, causing massive damage to my house. The neighbours have been incredibly unresponsive and unwilling to take steps to solve the issue. Nowhere else along the river (including beside other, better built/maintained bridges) does the land flood. I am considering legal action but would rather not have to resort to this, so am looking for creative solutions to avoid this. I think raising the height of the river bank on my side of the land would force the water over their bridge rather than onto my land. I was thinking that putting a long hugelkultur bed along the length of the bank, about 1.5 meters high, might do the job. I would probably not bother with trying to grow edible crops on it as there is not a huge amount of sun and it is a very wet area, so would probably plant it up with willow to bind it to the bank and potentially use as material for basket weaving or similar projects. However I am concerned that in heavy rain the hugelkultur bed might simply wash into the river and immediately clog the bridge, exactly what I want to avoid. This would be my first attempt at hugelkultur so would love any advice or insight into this idea, or even any other solutions you might come up with. Rainy season is now through to spring, is it ok to put the mounds in during rainy season or will that make them more likely to collapse? Thanks in advance for your help!